Advanced Radiology

General Frequently Asked Questions

What is a contracted rate?
What is a deductible/co-insurance?
Why do I have a balance?
What are my payment options?
Do you offer payment plans?
Why is my balance different from the quoted balance?
I have a secondary insurance, why didn’t you bill them?
When will you process my refund?
How come the billing company will not discuss my spouses billing account with me?

Mammography Frequently Asked Questions

Annual Screening/Preventative
Annual Screening Changed to Diagnostic
Why am I financially responsible for my annual mammogram?

Breast Ultrasound Frequently Asked Questions

Survey/Screening and Diagnostic/Targeted
Why didn’t my insurance cover the ultrasound breast as preventative? When I called they stated if it was ‘coded correctly’ they would?
My balance is higher than usual or last year, why?
Why has the price raised so much compared to previously?
Bridgeport Radiological Associates

Frequently Asked Billing Related Questions For Hospital Radiology Services

I have never seen your physician/or been to your facility. What is this bill for?
I never authorized your doctors to read my x-rays. Why have I received a bill?
I have applied for charity/free care at the hospital where my procedure was performed. Will your company take the same discount?

Have questions? Please call us at 1-888-912-7583.
